Oakley Cricket Club’s Grand Awards Evening: A Night to Remember!

Bringing It Back Home

Last Friday, Oakley club members and supporters gathered at the Theatre of Scenes for our prestigious annual awards evening. After several years of hiring out golf clubs at prices that made even the most enthusiastic of us wince, the committee (led chiefly by Stef) made the bold decision to bring the event back in-house. The idea? We’d get more bang for our buck, with bar profits funnelling back into the club’s coffers—particularly earmarked for new net lanes. A win-win!

Marquees, Hog Roasts, and a Bit of Ingenuity

Once Stef had set his mind to the task, he got to work. With a dash of Ollie’s ingenuity, we managed to secure a marquee from Simon Hunt, a local legend who had recently celebrated his 60th birthday at the club (big shoutout and thanks to Simon!). Of course, it wasn’t without its risks. We had to fork out for the hog roast, bar stock, and other goodies before a penny came back in. This was a high-stakes game of “Will They Show Up?”

We Needn’t Have Worried!

Turns out, we had no reason to panic. The numbers started stacking up quickly—players, partners, and a lively group from the newly formed women’s team. All in all, we reached over 70 attendees! The only cloud on the horizon was the absence of committee stalwarts Ollie Rabley and Gordon Scott, who were both sunning themselves on holiday. They were missed, but their contributions weren’t forgotten.

Minor Hiccups, Major Success

As with any first-time venture into hosting such a large event, there were a couple of minor hiccups. But, let’s be honest, they were hardly worth mentioning—easily fixable for next time! What started as a polite evening of welcome drinks and chit-chat quickly morphed into a riotous evening of fun and laughter. The chairman and captains took to the mic, recounting the funny, sad, and often disastrous events that defined a classic village cricket season at Oakley Park.

Disco Fever: The Ladies Take Charge

Once the awards were done, it was time to hit the bar, where Mike Tiley worked his magic. He fired up the disco lights and pumped out some classic floor-fillers. The women’s team were quick to take the lead, showing off some ‘unique’ dance moves, and making sure the men’s team didn’t stay glued to their chairs for long. No doubt, Tiley was chuffed to see the club bouncing, and we owe him a huge thank you for keeping the party going. Top job, Mike!

Big Thanks and Bigger Dreams

A massive thank you goes out to everyone involved. From the brilliant organisers (Stef and Sarah Kaltner, take a bow) to all the members and supporters who helped make the night a smashing success. The £1,500 taken at the bar will go straight back into the club, pushing us forward on our mission to keep improving.

Awards winners to be announced once I’ve got the photos in hand—stay tuned!

Up the Oaks!