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Welcome to the vibrant world of Oakley Cricket Club, where being a member is nothing short of an exhilarating journey! While we certainly aim for victory on the pitch with our Saturday league teams, at Oakley, it’s about so much more than just the scorecard. It’s about embracing the spirit of the game and relishing every moment of our social and enjoyable endeavor.

Sure, we’ve had our fair share of cricketing superstars grace our fields, but what truly sets Oakley apart is our commitment to teamwork both on and off the pitch. We believe in a level playing field where everyone contributes their fair share – no room for prima donnas here!

Off the pitch, we’re a community united by our passion for cricket and our drive to continually enhance our club facilities. Over the past decade, we’ve embarked on an exciting journey of growth and improvement, from building a clubhouse extension, installing an electronic scoreboard to acquiring covers, mobile nets, and sightscreens. Standing still? Not on our watch! At Oakley CC, we’re always pushing the boundaries, striving for excellence, and investing in our future.

If this sounds like the kind of adventure you’re ready to embark on, then consider yourself warmly welcomed into the Oakley CC family. Join us, and let’s write the next chapter of our cricketing legacy together!