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Sponsoring Oakley Cricket Club

Set in the heart of the Hampshire countryside, Oakley CC have hosted cricket matches in the village since 1849.

We are currently funded by membership, bar takings and fund raising events throughout the year and we are well placed to remain part of the Hampshire cricket scene for years to come.

Our club consists of two Saturday league teams, one friendly team and a colts section that ranges from ages 7 to 15. We also have 5 indoor teams playing in the winter at the Dummer Cricket Centre. More than 60% of our adult teams are former Oakley colts players.

Over the last few years the club has been re energised with success in local finals and a league championship winning season for our second XI last season. In fact, over the past five years the club has experienced 4 promotions and three local Cup Finals at The Bounty Cricket Ground in Hampshire.

Oakley were RNE2 Champions in 2017

This has all come about by being an all embracing traditional village cricket club, with enjoyment and social cohesion at its core. This has now been recognised and rewarded with a nomination to be one of the ECB’s (English cricket Board) ‘Showcase Clubs’ for the 2018 season.

With an expanding membership and the prospect of future success, we are now looking to attract local sponsors who will benefit from being involved at Oakley Cricket Club.

We are currently offering three categories of sponsorship

Advertising Board

This aluminium board will feature on the boundary fence (see fence on top picture) and is approximately 6′ x 2.5′. The advertiser will be able to have their logo, strapline, phone numbers and web address on the board with a total cost being £400.00 (including the board) for two seasons. You will also be listed as a sponsor on the main page of the website as well as having your logo featured on match reports and reviews.

Match Ball Sponsors

For £50.00 you can become a sponsor for the day on a match day of your choice. By being a match day sponsor, you will feature in our pre-match reviews and match reports. We will include a link to your website as well as promoting your business.

The Website gets good traffic in the summer months with up 300 + views on reports and reviews.

Kit Sponsors

Kit sponsorship is something we are keen to achieve in the coming season and Mike Tiley, our committee member in charge of sponsorship, is open to discussion with any local business wishing to support us. Please contact Mike on the number/email below. It goes without saying that potential kit sponsors will get all of the benefits listed above and will be regarded as our main club sponsor.


If you choose to be part of Oakley Cricket Club as a sponsor, you will get our full support in promoting your business on our active website and social media pages that attract heavy traffic throughout the year, in particular in the summer months.

Boundary advertising boards will be seen by clubs and supporters from across Hampshire and with hundreds of people visiting the club throughout the season from places such as Hook, Hartley Wintney, Basingstoke, Winchester, Eastleigh, Overton, Tadley and Andover, so it is a great place to get noticed.

Our club website reviews and reports are not only used by our own members but those of opposing clubs looking for information about Oakley CC and of course having a peek about what we are saying about them.

All our sponsors are welcome on match days and with the benefit of a fully licensed bar, a deck chair, a glass of pimms and some good old Hampshire sunshine, it is often argued that there is not a better place to be on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon.

So, if you are local company looking to advertise whilst donating to an excellent local cause, come and be part of Oakley Cricket Club by contacting Mike Tiley on 07880 237841 or email him for more information on