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Committee Members

Step into the inner sanctum of Oakley Cricket Club, where the committee gathers monthly for a lively exchange of ideas, strategies, and plans. From tending to the grounds to navigating the intricacies of finance and fundraising, every aspect of our club’s operation is meticulously deliberated upon.

But that’s not all – our committee is the beating heart of both our adult and Colts sections, ensuring they thrive and flourish. With their guidance, we chart a course towards excellence on and off the field.

Curious about the inner workings of our club or eager to share your innovative ideas? Contact us below and let your voice be heard. Together, we’ll continue to elevate Oakley Cricket Club to new heights of success and camaraderie.

The Oakley Committee

Chairman: Bob Lethaby – 07956 537076

Secretary: Dan Jones – 07515 853884

Treasurer: Peter Holcroft – 07776 382956

First team Captain: James Bayliss: 07970 385713

Second team Captain: Ian Bennett: 07827 018365

Third Team: Dan Beckell: 07917 842483

Ladies Captain: Sarah Shearing 07789 884688

Sunday Captain: Roaming

Colts Director: Kris Tucknott: 07462 610914

Welfare Officer: Mike Bryant

Fixtures and events: Alex Brundle 0773 219317

Club Structure: Stef Kaltner: 07961 238551 

Maintenance Co-Ordinator: Ian Bennett – 07860 301323

Clubhouse Manager: Ollie Rabley – 07775 506845

Life President: Gordon Scott – 07860 301323