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Club History Book and Other Material

Please click on the green link below to view our club book. This is being updated in 2020 by club legend, Steve Savage, who is now making the book more compact and up to date. The information is being processed now and will update automatically as Steve puts it on line.

Club Book and other Material

A Note from Steve

A History of Oakley Cricket Club Over 150 Years’ was written by Steve and Christine Savage. When the original book when published in 1999 cost was the limiting factor. E-publishing was not available, and the book had to be limited to 96 pages. This revised addition of the book will only be available as an eBook and will be free!Christine and I collected a vast amount of information and could only use a small fraction of it in the original book. 

With the advent of e-publishing I no longer have any limitations on the size of the book. The eBook was first released in 2016 and all the extras were added at the back of the book. It became evident that this could not be sustained as the 2020 edition stood at over 1,000 pages! In a major revamp, I have reduced the main book down to a manageable 300 plus pages. All the “extra” information will be transferred into sub books. Each sub book will cover a single season. These sub books will also include expanded statistics and a digital record of all the score-books where they exist.

Please download the books, read and share freely.  If you have any new material, I will be happy to consider including it in a future edition. Please send any material to the email address below.  If you are unable to send the material electronically then I will be willing to scan it myself.  Please also let me know if you find any typos or mistakes.  Also, I would be grateful if you know any of the missing people in any of the photos.

The books are interactive PDFs. They can be viewed on a PC or a tablet. There are links in the books to view YouTube videos. Alternatively, they can be found in a separate folder. Please download and view.

Steve Savage