Oakley Cricket Club met up for their annual awards evening on the 18th October. Hosted by Z list celebrity and Oaks chair, Bob Lethaby, it wasn’t long before the Dummer Golf Club foundations were rocking with laughter as Bob recalled a season of fun and frolics with his customary untamed wit.
Over 45 members and partners crammed into Dummer Golf Club and their were tears of emotion, joy and indeed, utter boredom, as the captain’s handed out some of the most coveted cricket awards in Oakley.
After the awards ceremony was completed, it was a disco and time for Brad Compton-Bearne to celebrate his last season with The Oaks by face planting the dance floor and knocking his front teeth out. It was a fitting way for the club clown to depart Oakley and after five years of entertaining his bewildered friends with his bizarre antics, this really was a class act.
As Chairman, my Brad highlight was his version of ‘My Heart Will Go On’ by Celine Dion. He took that song and made it his own. Hopefully we will have some guest showing from Brad next year if he is allowed back over The Severn Bridge.
Well done to everyone who attended and help organise the event. It was a big success and definitely the way forward for future events. You can see the winners in the video below (Thanks to Steve Savage for the pics).